A software engineer at Red Hat Integration, working mostly on
Apache Camel Quarkus.
Coauthor of mvnd (Maven Daemon),
srcdeps (source dependencies for Maven and Gradle)
and ec4j (EditorConfig for Java).
More about me...
I often release Maven projects with many artifacts, such as Camel Quarkus and Quarkus CXF. The release process consists of several steps, including Read more...
The instructions for setting up a remote Maven Build Cache are useful but they are missing an important detail: how to configure a server for the remote cache role. Read more...
- the Maven DaemonMaven is a build tool for Java and other languages targeting Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The declarative approach to defining builds belongs to its main strengths. Even basic knowledge of Maven principles allows understanding basically any third party project. It is well established, rather stable and has a rich ecosystem of plugins. It is also very important for defining the de facto standard for publishing and consuming libraries. Maven Central and its artifact metadata formats are used and respected throughout the JVM world. Read more...