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  Stop letting dependencies
  dictate your life!


Peter Palaga

Peter Palaga

  • Senior sustaining engineer at Red Hat Middleware

    • JBoss Fuse/Apache Camel, JBoss EAP/WildFly and others

  • Author of srcdeps

  • Views in this presentation are my own


  • Source dependencies:

    • What is it

    • What is it good for

  • srcdeps - the implementation for Maven and Gradle

  • Demo

  • Context

What are source dependencies?

The "usual" dependencies

  • Software projects often depend on artifacts produced by other projects

  • Those artifacts

    • typically contain compiled code

    • usually available in repositories (Maven Central, jcenter, …​) on the internet

  • Build tools (Maven, Gradle, …​) responsible for finding and downloading the dependencies

Source dependencies

  • Build of a git commit deterministic enough

    ⇒ Source code of a dependency enough to use it in a dependent project

  • The build tool has to:

    • Check out the sources (e.g. from a git repo)

    • Build the artifacts required by the dependent project

NB: Dependency artifacts do not need to be available in a repository

The idea is not new

Some languages (or their build tools) have it already


Gemfile of a Ruby project

# A binary dependency pulled from
gem 'rack', '2.0.1'

# A source dependency built by Blunder
# from a git commit
gem 'rack',
    :git => '',
    :ref => '0bd839d'



// A binary dependency
libraryDependencies +=
    "" %% "play-slick" % "2.0.2"

// A source dependency

What is this good for?


  • No release of the dependency in a remote artifact repository such as Maven Central

  • Sources of the dependency available

Testing and Integration

  • Test each commit of the dependency inside the dependent project

  • Find issues early

  • Speedup the delivery of the dependent project

Fixing third-party code (1/2)

Dependency project dead or not releasing fast enough

  • Fork and use as a source dependency

  • No consent from the dependency project needed

Fixing third-party code (2/2)

Dependency project doing nasty things

  • Fork and accept only some of their changes (e.g. security fixes)

  • Throw away all that can harm your stability

  • Again, no consent from the dependency project needed


How srcdeps work (1/4)

Three basic ideas

  1. Coin a convention for version strings to express the commit ID to build the given dependency from

    </dependency><!--             ⬑ a git commit ID  -->

How srcdeps work (2/4)

  1. Provide a configuration that maps dependency artifacts to source repository URLs

    configModelVersion: 2.3  # srcdeps.yaml file
        - junit # a groupId[:artifactId[:version]] pattern
                # may contain * wildcards
        - git:

How srcdeps work (3/4)

  1. Mechanism to trigger the build of the dependency:

    • Maven: custom implementation of the Local Maven Repository

    • Gradle: srcdeps plugin scans the dependencies during afterEvaluate phase

How srcdeps work (4/4)

When an artifact with *-SRC-revision-{commitId} version is found

  • Find a git URL for it in srcdeps.yaml

  • Checkout the source to ~/.m2/srcdeps directory

  • Change the versions in the pom.xml/build.gradle files to whatever *-SRC-revision-{commitId} was requested

  • Build the dependency and install the resulting artifacts locally

  • The primary build then takes the artifacts from the Maven Local Repository

Demo: srcdeps with Maven

Let’s have a simple project

public class Demo {
  public String sayHello() {
    return "Hello World!";

public class DemoTest {
  public void sayHelloTest() {
    Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!", new Demo().sayHello());

We need a new assertion

public class Demo {
  public String sayHello() {
    return "Hello World!";

public class DemoTest {
  public void sayHelloTest() {
    Assert.assertHelloGeeCon(new Demo().sayHello());
    //      ⬑ not available in the stock jUnit :(

Clone JUnit

public class Assert {

  // Add the new method to org.junit.Assert
  public static void assertHelloGeeCon(String actual) {
      "Not the right conference!!!",
      "Hello GeeCon!", actual

... and commit and push to your fork

Intialize srcdeps configuration in the dependent project

mvn org.srcdeps.mvn:srcdeps-maven-plugin:3.3.0:init

That generates .mvn/extensions.xml and .mvn/srcdeps.yaml files for you


  • Maven Core Extensions since Maven 3.3.1

  • Allows for replacing substantial parts of Maven by our own custom implementations

  • Much more powerful than the plugin API

    • Parent, BoM imports are looked up earlier than any plugin code can be invoked


configModelVersion: 2.3
    - junit # a groupId[:artifactId[:version]] pattern
            # may contain * wildcards
    - git:
  • A mapping from artifacts to git URLs

  • Plus a few other options

Upgrade junit in the dependent project


Build the dependent project

cd srcdeps-demo
mvn clean test
Failed tests:
  sayHelloTest(org.srcdeps.DemoTest): Not the right conference!
    expected:<Hello [GeeCon]!> but was:<Hello [World]!>

Fix Demo.sayHello() to return "Hello GeeCon!"

cd srcdeps-demo
mvn clean test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0


Interesting locations

  • The source dependency was built under ${local.maven.repo.dir}/../srcdeps/${groupId}, typically ~/.m2/srcdeps/${groupId}

  • The source dependency was installed in the local Maven repo, typically `~/.m2/repository

srcdeps for Gradle

  • Still new, expect all kinds of issues

  • Objective: suppot all combinations

    maven gradle matrix
  • Maven local repository used to install/pull source dependencies

Gradle demo

srcdeps features

  • Dependencies can refer to not only commits, but also branches and tags:

    • 1.2.3-SRC-revision-{myCommitId}

    • 1.2.3-SRC-branch-{myBranchName}

    • 1.2.3-SRC-revision-{myTagName}


  • In Maven, source dependencies work for vitually any kind of a dependency incl. parent, managed imports and even plugins

  • In Gradle, tested only compile and test deps

srcdeps.yaml config. options


Can you think of any?

  • Tools unaware of srcdeps (IDEs, static pom.xml analysers, …​) will see the -SRC- deps as non-available

  • Only git supported ATM

  • Gradle support new, Ant and sbt wait for contributions

  • However immutable git commits are, they can still disappear from repos, or even the whole repo can be deleted

    • Use your own forks/mirrors instead of third party repos

Limitations: build reproducibility

The jars and wars built at two occasions will not be the same

  • Not a srcdeps specific problem

  • Java and build tool versions

    • mvnw and enforcer to mitigate

  • Env and time dependent inputs

  • ZIP spec requires the entries to be timestamped

Limitations: build def clash

srcdeps lets the dependent project specify the build command

  • Projects A and B depend on C

    • A defines build of C as
      mvn install -Pprofile1

    • B defines build of C as
      mvn install -Dwhatever

  • Only the first command gets executed

Release to a public Maven repo with srcdeps?




srcdeps transparent only to the immediate descendants

Go to production with srcdeps?


Why not?


As long as your ZIP, RPM, Docker deliverable contains all binary deps

How is this different from Maven SNAPSHOTs?

SNAPSHOTs built locally

  • What you build is what you get

  • Handy on a developer machine

  • Hard to share:

    • CI machines

    • Teammates

Remote SNAPSHOTs are evil

  • You never know what you get

    • local/remote SNAPSHOT?

    • latest today != latest tomorrow


  • The build of a component depending on another SNAPSHOT component

    • Not reproducible over time

    • Reverts won’t bring the previous working state


  • Remote SNAPSHOTs should be always off

Do not touch my poms! (1/2)

             <!-- ⬑ Some folks do not want this -->

Do not touch my poms! (2/2)

  • Branch/commit to build from can be set in srcdeps.yaml

  • Handy to build e.g. SNAPSHOT dependencies on CI

  • Keeps flexibility, adds more control over the SNAPSHOT state

configModelVersion: 2.3                # srcdeps.yaml file
    - junit
    - git:

    buildVersionPattern: .*-SNAPSHOT   # any version matching this
    buildRef: branch-master            # will be rebuilt using
                                       # master branch

How is srcdeps different from a remote maven repo that builds from sources on demand

</repositories> limitations

  • G:A:V to source repository maping rigid: com.github.User:Repo:Version

  • Special DNS entry needed for a custom groupId
       ⬑ Controlled by the owner

  • Dependent project may not choose to build from a fork advantages

  • Caching artifacts → only the first hit delayed by building

  • If they cache forever, they can guarantee bitwise reproducibility

How is srcdeps different from Gradle composite build (CB)?

Gradle CB: combine multiple interdependent builds on command line

Gradle CB: pros

  • Speedup due to incremental builds

Gradle CB: cons

  • Does not help to share the setup with CI and Teammates

  • Gradle only

srcdeps wrap up

  • A tool for Maven and Gradle

  • Allows declaring dependencies in terms of source commits instead of released versions

  • Dependencies may not dictate your life anymore!

srcdeps project info

Contributions welcome!

