Will my lib or framework work on

(and GraalVM) ?


Peter Palaga



My main job:

Camel Quarkus

porting Camel componets to Quarkus

mvnd - the Maven Daemon




  • Quarkus intro
  • How Quarkus works
    • Build time augmentation
    • Native compilation with GraalVM
  • How to write Quarkus extensions

What is Quarkus


Build time augmentation


Quarkus itself


about how you should write your applications

Support for

Programming models



delegated to extensions

Why Quarkus?

Why Quarkus?

Container First

💾 Small size on disk Small container images
🚀 Fast boot time Instant scale up
🔬 Low memory footprint More containers with the same amount of RAM
Why Quarkus?

Developer joy

  • Live reload:
    mvn compile quarkus:dev
  • Isolation from GraalVM CLI/SPI
  • Panche: Simplified ORM and JAX-RS
Why Quarkus?


Standards Databases 3rd party libs/frameworks
  • Java EE (JPA, CDI, JTA, ...)
  • MicroProfile (Health, Metrics, ...)
  • Spring (via compatibility layers)
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • MSSQL, H2
  • FlyWay, Amazon DynamoDB
  • MongoDB, Neo4j
  • Netty, Vert.x
  • Camel, Infinispan, Kogito
  • ...

Check a more complete list on code.quarkus.io

Why Quarkus?

Ecosystem of organizations

How Quarkus works

Quarkus workflow
Quarkus workflow

Booting a framework

  • Parse config files: XML, YAML, JSON, ...
  • Classpath scanning, esp. for annotations
  • Build framework metamodel objects
  • Prepare reflection and build proxies
  • Open sockets, start threads
  • ← Takes time
  • ← Spends memory


Do as much as possible at build time

Record the code needed to bootstrap the application

Quarkus workflow
Quarkus workflow

AoT1 native compilation


its goodies and gotchas

1) Ahead of (run-)time

AoT compilation with GraalVM


the good parts
$ native-image -jar my-app.jar
$ ls -lh
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 ppalaga ppalaga 19M Mar 20 14:39 my-app
$ ./my-app
my-app started in <20 ms
$ ps -o rss,command -p $(pgrep my-app)
11229 12628 ./my-app
#      ⮤ the process memory in kilobytes



of the AoT compilation

An incomplete list


closed world



All runtime code has to be known at build time


  • More effective static analysis
  • Dead code elimination:
        classes, fields, methods, branches

Dynaminc Classloading

in a native executable

Deloying jars, wars, etc. at runtime impossible

registration required


Dynamic proxies

Classpath resources

JNI, Unsafe Memory Access


T ypically invoked only at compile time

Class initializers


Compiled to <clinit> method
class MyClass {
    static Foo foo = new MyFoo();

    static Map<String, String> map;
    static {
        System.out.println("Initializing MyFoo class...")
        map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("k1", "v1");
        map.put("k2", "v2");
Typically invoked only at compile time

Class initializers


At build time:

  • Resolve classes, run "safe" static initilizers
  • Take a snapshot of the produced heap
  • Store it in the executable
Typically invoked only at compile time

Class initializers



  • No file handles, sockets, threads
  • Autodetection of "safe" initializers not perfect
    • Manual tweaks required:

Complex CLI/config

Kept under the hood by Quarkus extensions

$ native-image -jar my-app.jar \
    -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=file-with-tens-of-entries.json \
    -H:ResourceConfigurationFiles=maintain-this.json \
    -H:DynamicProxyConfigurationFiles=maintain-this.json \
    -H:JNIConfigurationFiles=maintain-this.json \
    -H:SerializationConfigurationFiles=maintain-this.json \
    --initialize-at-build-time=my-build-time-init-list.json \
    -H:InitialCollectionPolicy=com.oracle.svm.core.genscavenge.CollectionPolicy$BySpaceAndTime \
    -J-Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=1 \
    -H:FallbackThreshold=0 \
    -H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
    -H:+PrintAnalysisCallTree \
    -H:-AddAllCharsets \
    -H:EnableURLProtocols=http \
    -H:-JNI \
    -H:-UseServiceLoaderFeature \
    -H:+StackTrace \
    --no-server \
    -J-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager \
    -J-Dio.netty.leakDetection.level=DISABLED \
    -J-Dvertx.logger-delegate-factory-class-name=io.quarkus.vertx.core.runtime.VertxLogDelegateFactory \
    -J-Dsun.nio.ch.maxUpdateArraySize=100 \
    -J-Dio.netty.allocator.maxOrder=1 \

How to write

Quarkus Extensions

Quarkus extension

  • Unit of Quarkus distribution
    • A Maven dep of a user app
  • Focus on some specific lib/framework/aspect

Two Maven modules

depends on
Build time module
class MyExtProcessor {
  ... buildStep1(...) {...}

  ... buildStep2(...) {...}

Runtime module
class MyExtRecorder {

  ... runtimeTask1(...) {...}

  ... runtimeTask2(...) {...}

class MyExtProcessor {

  /* BuildSteps typically produce BuildItems */
  NameBuildItem nameStep() {
    return new NameBuildItem("Joe");

  /* BuildItems carry some payload */
  final class NameBuildItem extends SimpleBuildItem {
    final String name; /* The payload */
class MyExtProcessor {

  /* BuildSteps may consume BuildItems */
  HelloBuildItem helloStep(NameBuildItem nameItem) {
    return new HelloBuildItem("Hello " + nameItem.getName());

  NameBuildItem nameStep() {
    return new NameBuildItem("Joe");
  /* helloStep depending on the nameStep
   * determines the execution order */
class MyExtProcessor {

  void helloStep(
        NameBuildItem nameItem,          /* BuildSteps may consume*/
        GreetingBuildItem greetingItem,  /* multiple BuildItems */
        /* Results can also be published via BuildProducers */
        BuildProducer<HelloBuildItem> helloProducer,
        BuildProducer<FooBuildItem> fooProducer) {

    /* BuildSteps may produce multiple BuildItems */
        new HelloBuildItem(
            greetingItem.getGreeting() + " " + nameItem.getName());

    fooProducer.produce(new FooBuildItem());

A common @BuildStep:

  1. Find classes having some annotation
  2. Register them for reflection


A Java annotation indexer
and offline reflection library.

Used by @BuildSteps
to inspect the application code

class JacksonProcessor {
  void registerDeserializers(
        CombinedIndexBuildItem combinedIndex, /* Pass the Jandex */
        BuildProducer<ReflectiveClassBuildItem> reflProducer) {

    for (AnnotationInstance annot    /* Query for the annotations */
        : combinedIndex.getIndex().getAnnotations(JSON_DESERIALIZE)) {
      /* Do some filtering */
      AnnotationTarget annotTarget = annot.target();
      if (CLASS.equals(annotTarget.kind())) {
        DotName dotName = annotTarget.asClass().name();
        Type jandexType = Type.create(dotName, Type.Kind.CLASS);
        /* ... and finally register the type for reflextion */
        reflProducer.produce(new ReflectiveClassBuildItem(jandexType));
Code Adapted from the Jackson Extension

More Jandex usecases

  • Find classes/fields/methods having some annotation
  • Find classes implementing an interface
  • Find subclasses of a class
  • List fields, methods and constructors of a class
Build time module
class MyExtProcessor {
  ... buildStep1(...) {...}

  ... buildStep2(...) {...}

Runtime module
class MyExtRecorder {

  ... runtimeTask1(...) {...}

  ... runtimeTask2(...) {...}

chunks of application bootstrap code
class CamelProcessor {
  @Record(ExecutionTime.STATIC_INIT)  /*    @Recorders can be injected  */
  @BuildStep                          /* ⮦ as BuildStep method params  */
  CamelContextBuildItem context(CamelRecorder recorder) {
    RuntimeValue<CamelContext> context = recorder.createContext();
    return new CamelContextBuildItem(context);  /* ⮤ @BuildStep methods */
  }/* ⮤ The RuntimeValue can be dispatched */   /*   can invoke        */
}  /*  to other @BuildSteps via a BuildItem */   /*   @Recorder methods */

public class CamelRecorder {
  public RuntimeValue<CamelContext> createContext() {
           /* ⮤ A handle to pass values between recorders */
    FastCamelContext context = new FastCamelContext();
    return new RuntimeValue<>(context);

Code Adapted from the Apache Camel Quarkus

Extensions may depend on each other

E.g. mp-metrics extension
depends on

so it can consume the CamelContextBuildItem and adjust the CamelContext as needed

class MpMetricsProcessor {
  public void configureCamelContext(
        MpMetricsRecorder recorder,
        CamelContextBuildItem ctxItem) {

public class MpMetricsRecorder {
  public void configureCamelContext(RuntimeValue<CamelContext> ctxVal) {
               /* Unwrap the RuntimeValue ⮧ */
    CamelContext camelContext = ctxVal.getValue();
    /* ... and configure it as needed */
    ManagementStrategy strategy = camelContext.getManagementStrategy();
    strategy.addEventNotifier(new MpMetricsCamelContextEventNotifier());
Code Adapted from the Apache Camel Quarkus

Resulting application bootstrap code:

class GeneratedMain { /* bytecode in reality, pseudocode here */
  static { /* Chunks recorded with @Record(ExecutionTime.STATIC_INIT) */
    CamelRecorder camelRecorder = new CamelRecorder();
    RuntimeValue<CamelContext> val1 = camelRecorder.createContext();
    /* The order of the calls is given by
     * the dependencies between the @BuildSteps */
    MpMetricsRecorder mpMetricsRecorder = new MpMetricsRecorder();

  public static main(String[] args) {
    /* Chunks recorded with @Record(ExecutionTime.RUNTIME_INIT) */
    new VertxRecorder().openSocket(); /* can't do this in static init */

Mostly used BuildItems

  • ReflectiveClassBuildItem
       register classes for reflection in the native mode
  • AdditionalBeanBuildItem, BeanDefiningAnnotationBuildItem
       bean classes the CDI container should analyze
  • ExtensionSslNativeSupportBuildItem
       turn on SSL in the native mode
  • CombinedIndexBuildItem, ApplicationIndexBuildItem
       offline reflection and annotation index (Jandex)
  • NativeImageResourceBuildItem
       src/main/resources and resources from JARs not included by default in the native image

List of BuildItems provided by Quarkus

Extension configuration

  • Extensions may expose their configuration through annotated POJOs
  • These may come in three flavors:
    • RUN_TIME

Config POJO

@ConfigRoot(name = "camel", phase = ConfigPhase.BUILD_AND_RUN_TIME_FIXED)
public class CamelConfig {

    public MainConfig main;

    public static class MainConfig {
        @ConfigItem(defaultValue = "true")
        public boolean enabled;
        /* This option can be set in application.properties via
         *   camel.main.enabled = true
Code Adapted from the Apache Camel Quarkus

Config in @BuildSteps

class CamelProcessor {
  ... discoverRoutesBuilderClassNames(CamelConfig config, ...) {
    if (config.main.enabled) {
        /* Do something */
Code Adapted from the Apache Camel Quarkus

Config in @Recorders

public class MyRecorder {
  void record(CamelConfig camelConfig) {

    if (camelConfig.main.enabled) {
      /* Do something */

    /* Same effect using
     * org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider */
    if (ConfigProvider.getConfig()
        .getValue("camel.main.enabled", Boolean.class)) {
      /* Do something */
Code Adapted from the Apache Camel Quarkus


  • Provided by GraalVM
  • For replacing classes in the native image

Substitutions usecases

  • Last resort for fixing third party code
    • E.g. avoid opening a socket, starting a Thread, etc. in a static initializer
  • Cut off uneeded code (and its dependencies)
    • E.g. parsing an XML config that is not supported on Quarkus

A substitution example

/* The original class (simplified) */
package com.mysql.cj.jdbc;
public class AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread implements Runnable {
  private static final ExecutorService cleanupThreadExcecutorService;
  private static Thread threadRef = null;

  static {
    cleanupThreadExcecutorService =
        Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(r -> { ... });
    /* GraalVM does not like threads being started in a static block */
        new AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread());
Code Adapted from the MySQL JDBC driver

A substitution example

@Substitute /* The substitution class */
final public class AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread_disable {

  /* No static initializer here */

  protected static void trackConnection(
      MysqlConnection conn, NetworkResources io) {
      /* A no-op method */
Code Adapted from the MySQL JDBC extension

Further topics

Writing extensions

Wrap up

  1. Shrink and speedup the app
    • Inspect the app code (annotations, interfaces, config files ...) at build time
    • Bootstrap and configure the app via @Recorder methods
  2. Make the native compiler happy
    • Register reflection, proxies, JNI, ...
    • Resources to include in the native image
    • Substitutions